Factory Direct ATVS 25000 Puffs Kapaciteta baterije 1000mAh Vape za enkratno uporabo na debelo z izborom okusov
Experience the ultimate in vaping technology with the ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape, now available for wholesale at vapebaz.com. Known for its remarkable battery life, expansive e-liquid capacity, and variety of delectable flavors, this vape pen is the perfect choice for both beginner and experienced vapers. Engineered to meet the demands of high-capacity users, the ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape offers an exceptional experience in both flavor delivery and convenience, elevating your vaping satisfaction to new heights.
As the largest online wholesale platform for disposable vapes in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Spain, vapebaz.com is proud to offer the ATVS 25000 Puffs vape pen for those looking to provide high-quality options to their customers. With bulk buying options available, it’s the ideal solution for retailers and distributors aiming to expand their product offerings with an innovative and high-performance device.
ATV 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape Product Description
Designed with both longevity and user experience in mind, the ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape delivers up to an impressive 23,000 puffs per device, far surpassing the average disposable vape. This massive puff count is supported by a powerful 1000mAh battery and an ample 20ml e-liquid capacity, ensuring that the vape lasts as long as you need it to. Its compact size of 52 x 26 x 99mm makes it easy to carry, while the mesh coil technology (dual coil setup) provides optimal vapor production and consistent flavor with every inhale.
For maximum versatility, this disposable vape comes with two resistance options, 0.4Ω and 0.8Ω, allowing users to choose a vaping experience that best suits their preferences, from denser clouds to a more flavorful, smoother draw. The ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape also utilizes high-quality ingredients and materials, ensuring a safe and satisfying experience for all users. Whether you’re an enthusiast or just starting, this vape provides the perfect combination of simplicity and quality.
With wholesale options directly from the factory, ATVS 25000 Puffs is an excellent choice for retailers looking to offer a standout product at an attractive price. Each carton contains 200 pieces, making it an affordable option for bulk buyers.
Key Features of ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape
- Visoko število vpihov: Do 23.000 vpihov na napravo, zaradi česar je eden najdlje obstojnih vapov za enkratno uporabo.
- Kapaciteta baterije: Opremljen z zmogljivo baterijo 1000 mAh model 112040, idealno za dolgotrajno uporabo brez potrebe po pogostem polnjenju.
- Tehnologija dvojne mreže: Ima tuljave z dvojno mrežico z možnostmi upora 0,4 Ω in 0,8 Ω, ki izboljšajo intenzivnost okusa in proizvodnjo hlapov.
- Velika kapaciteta e-tekočine: 20 ml rezervoar za e-tekočino zagotavlja podaljšano izkušnjo uparjanja z manj potrebnimi polnjenji.
- Kompaktna velikost: Z merami 52 x 26 x 99 mm je enostaven za prenašanje in se udobno prilega vaši roki ali žepu.
- Robustna embalaža: Pakirano za veleprodajo po 200 kosov v kartonu in 10 kosov v škatli, pri čemer zunanja embalaža meri 630 x 310 x 300 mm, kar zagotavlja varnost med transportom.
- Lahek dizajn: Vsako pisalo za vape tehta le 1050 g na škatlo z 10, zaradi česar je priročno za ravnanje z velikimi količinami.
ATVS 25000 Puffs Flavor Selection
Raziščite bogato izbiro 15 natančno izdelanih okusov, od katerih je vsak zasnovan tako, da zagotavlja edinstven okus. Raznolikost okusov poskrbi za različne želje in zagotavlja, da vsak vdih nudi svežo in prijetno izkušnjo.
- Tropski užitek z mešanico sočnega manga in osvežujočega ledenega zaključka, kot nalašč za sladek, a hkrati hladilni občutek.
- Nežen, saden vape, ki združuje bogastvo borovnic s hrustljavim pridihom mentola, idealen za ljubitelje jagodičja, ki iščejo osvežujoč pridih.
- Sladek in oster okus ananasa, ki zajame esenco zrelega tropskega sadja za živahno in aromatično izkušnjo.
- Klasičen, poživljajoč okus mete, ki nudi osvežujoč izbruh z vsakim vdihom, popoln za čisto in hrustljavo izkušnjo vapinga.
- Sočen okus lubenice v kombinaciji s hladnim, ledenim zaključkom za osvežujoč in zadovoljiv poletni okus.
- Čudovita mešanica različnega sadja, ki ustvarja kompleksen in dobro zaokrožen profil okusa za pustolovsko izkušnjo vapinga.
- Sladka in osvežilna, ta mešanica sočnih jagod z mentolnim zaključkom zagotavlja uravnotežen in hladen okus.
- Drzen okus grozdja z ledenim pridihom, ki ponuja sladek, a hrustljav okus, ki je kot nalašč za ljubitelje sadja in mentola.
- Eksotična guava v kombinaciji z osvežujočim ledenim podtonom ustvarja edinstven, tropski okus za resnično osvežujoč vape.
- Sočen okus breskev, pomešan s pridihom mentola za hladno in okusno izkušnjo vapinga.
- Gaziran okus kole z ledenim pridihom, ki prinaša nostalgičen okus soda z osvežilnim zaključkom.
- Kombinacija sladkih in trpkih jabolk, ki združuje najboljše rdeče in zeleno jabolko za hrustljav, čudovit okus.
- Eksotični sadež ličija z dodanim ledenim pridihom, ki ponuja lahek, cvetlični in osvežujoč okus.
- Edinstvena mešanica kremne banane in citrusne pomaranče s hladilnim zaključkom za okusen in uravnotežen vape.
- Okusna pomaranča s pridihom mentola ustvarja hladen in oster okus, ki je hkrati osvežujoč in poživljajoč.
Zakaj izbrati Vapebaz za ATV 25000 Puffs Disposable Vapes?
Purchasing the ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vape directly from vapebaz.com offers numerous advantages, making it the go-to choice for wholesalers and retailers in the European market.
Visokokakovostni proizvodni standardi
Each ATVS 25000 Puffs device is manufactured to rigorous quality standards, ensuring reliability and a superior user experience. By choosing vapebaz.com, you’re choosing a trusted wholesale supplier committed to product excellence.
Konkurenčne veleprodajne cene
Ponujamo konkurenčne cene, kar trgovcem na drobno omogoča, da izkoristijo privlačne marže, hkrati pa strankam zagotavljamo izjemno vrednost. Nakup v velikem obsegu pri vapebaz.com omogoča trgovcem na drobno, da vzdržujejo zadostno ponudbo brez kompromisov pri kakovosti.
Namenska služba za stranke
Naša usposobljena in prijazna ekipa je pripravljena pomagati pri kakršnih koli vprašanjih ter zagotoviti nemoteno in brezhibno nakupovalno izkušnjo. Od oddaje naročila do dostave smo tukaj, da podpremo vaše veleprodajne potrebe.
Zanesljivo in hitro pošiljanje
Pri vapebaz.com se zavedamo pomena pravočasne dostave. Naši učinkoviti postopki pošiljanja zagotavljajo, da so vaša naročila izpolnjena takoj, s čimer skrajšajo zastoje in zagotovijo dosledno razpoložljivost izdelkov za vaše stranke.
ATVS 25000 Puffs Original Factory Bulk Buy Veleprodajne vape za enkratno uporabo
Investing in ATVS 25000 Puffs Disposable Vapes as a bulk purchase is a cost-effective and convenient way to provide your customers with a premium vaping experience. Wholesale options are available with factory-direct pricing, ideal for vape shops and distributors looking to offer a unique, high-capacity device that stands out from standard disposable vapes. Contact vapebaz.com to place your order today and explore our extensive collection of high-quality disposable vapes tailored to meet the needs of the European market.
Whether you’re looking to stock a best-selling item or want to diversify your product offerings, the ATVS 25000 Puffs is a surefire choice. Elevate your product lineup with this innovative disposable vape, available now at vapebaz.com.
ZoeWhiteNoah –
The flavor is amazing, and the vapor is smooth. This vape is exactly what I was looking for!
EthanWilsonBenjamin –
This vape is amazing. The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is rich and satisfying.
OliviaJohnsonBenjamin –
Couldn’t be happier with my purchase. The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is rich and delicious.
LiamMillerGrace –
The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is amazing. I’m so happy with this vape.
OliviaMartinezEthan –
The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is rich. I’m completely hooked on this vape.
LiamHarrisChloe –
Incredible vapor and great flavor. This vape is perfect for a satisfying experience.
EthanMillerJames –
Great flavor, smooth vapor. This vape is perfect for anyone who loves a good experience.
ChloeAndersonHenry –
I love this vape! The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is always rich and satisfying.
EmmaSmithMia –
Perfect vape! The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is consistently excellent.
NathanWalkerZoe –
Smooth vapor, great flavor, and it’s so easy to use. This vape is perfect.
ZoeJacksonLucas –
The vapor is so smooth, and the flavor is just perfect. This vape is definitely a winner.
JamesAndersonZoe –
I’m so happy with this vape. Smooth vapor, amazing flavor, and very easy to use.
MiaWalkerZoe –
This vape is fantastic. Smooth vapor, rich flavor, and it’s very easy to use.
EthanWhiteNathan –
I’m loving this vape! The vapor is smooth, and the flavor is rich with every puff.
LucasMillerChloe –
Loving this vape! Smooth vapor, rich flavor, and it’s easy to use. Highly recommend!
CharlotteBrownHenry –
This vape delivers the best hits. Smooth vapor, great flavor—couldn’t ask for more!
ZoeMoore –
Amazing vapor production and incredible flavor. This vape is the best I’ve tried.